Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), NFC Chips, Computer Vision, Artificial Intellegence (AI) Programmatic Advertising, Native Advertising, what does it all mean? A bewildering number of new tech is booming on the scene, and without immersing yourself in constant reading, it is almost impossible to keep up with the pace of innovation.
Not every application or purveyor of these new technologies is right, or even good. Kanuii's impartial experts can help your business overcome tech paralysis and understand which is most effective for your needs.
We use a mixture of modified consumer journeys, utility analysis and common sense to help you design solutions. The goal is to utilise firstly owned media, then expanding to earned and bought media, to propel a brand into the new Internet of Things (IOT) or Internet on things that is harmonious with your other digital efforts.